Why we are here- Our Mission
Family Violence against men, women, and children are the future of our community. Here at preventfamilyviolence.com, we believe in the value of children. They have a right to a safe environment in which to grow and flourish.
Men, women, and children must be protected; and yet, they cannot protect themselves. Protecting children involves everyone. Helping abused and neglected children is a duty we all share.
Information is a key component in family violence and child abuse prevention, here at www.preventfamilyviolence.com we offer current articles and reports on child abuse trends and what you can do to help combat abuse. Learning and understanding are also key components in fight against child abuse, here we offer a wide variety of articles, newsletters and learning material. Read, learn, and join in the fight against child abuse.
Facts about Family Violence
Acts of violence occur every 18 seconds in this country. A woman is abused every 9 seconds.
- 26% of murdered women are killed by their husbands or boyfriends
- 30% of women in emergency rooms are there because of injuries caused by abuse
- 25% of men will use violence against a partner at sometime during the relationship every 5 years.
- 30% of all murders in this country are committed within the family and 13% are committed by spouses.
- Children are present during 80% of the assaults against their mothers and 3 million children witness domestic violence each year.
- Many cases of domestic violence are not reported because of feelings of helplessness, fear and shame.
- Domestic Violence transcends racial, age and socioeconomic boundaries. Its victims are educated, uneducated, poor, middle class, and wealthy.
- Victims are every walk of life, every sociioeconomic status. They are Caucasian, Hispanic, African-American and are of every ethnic origin.
- Children who witness violence in the home learn that violence is the answer and these children are 1000 times more likely to abuse as adults.
- The death toll of persons killed by relatives and acquaintances equals that of the entire Vietnam War
Did you know that every day, every 30 seconds a child is abused, every 20 minutes a child dies from an abusive hand? Child abuse has many faces, sadly it's often not a stranger's face. Understanding abuse is the best prevention, knowledge is power and is the key to the solution....we have the key, come and unlock your mind, learn what you can do to help in the fight against abuse.
Additional child service web sites for combating abuse and safeguarding our children can be found at www.sexoffender.com and www.criminalnotice.com, these sites bring you on-line access to registered sex offenders in various states- FREE OF CHARGE "If Knowledge is Power, then Information is the Key to the Solution"

To help you get started, Here is Dr. Matt's FREE book!
How Can I Get Involved?
First, learn ways you can help your family, friends and neighbors
before abuse occurs. Most parents want to do the right things for their child.
Sometimes problems like loss of a job, immaturity, substance abuse, being
new parents or other issues cause stress for a person trying to be a
Be supportive of parents who are having problems. Offer to baby-sit, or help in other ways. Volunteer or start a child abuse prevention campaign at your church or work.
Be alert to the signs of child abuse and neglect. Know what steps to take to help.
What is Child Abuse or Neglect?
Children who are mistreated can be physically abused, sexually abused, or emotionally abused; neglected; or abandoned.
Physical Abuse is any injury resulting from beating, biting burning or otherwise harming a child.
Sexual abuse is any act of molestation against a minor child.
Emotional abuse can be caused by constantly rejecting a child, exposing a child to domestic violence, or threatening child's safety.
Neglect is defined as the failure of a parent to provide food, clothing, supervision, education or medical care for a child.
Am I Doing The Right Thing?
Understanding your role in protecting children is important. You are doing
the right thing by getting involved and telling us a child is at risk of
abuse or neglect. The children must be able to count on us to make their
world safe and secure. After all, it takes a community to protect a child.