Family Violence

Health Promotion Disease Prevention

Instructor: Gregory M. Chase, MS Emergency Medicine, MSHED, PA-C, RN

Process Student's Guide , Community Health Introductory Program: Principles of Instructional Design

Author: Gregory M. Chase, MS, MSHED, PA-C, RN.
Dr. David Sellen, PhD precepting

#1: Reading Assignments:

It is your responsibility to review the weeks reading assignment, they are written and designed to complement the writing assignment due the beginning of the next class period. You are resonsible for all material presented in each weeks section. The course culminates in a final exam covering all sections presented.

#2: Weekly Writing Assignment:

Each assignment is due at the start of the next weeks class, each paper is worth 100 points as based on the writing rubric; a total of 700 points.

#3: Learning Module:

Click, learn and explore each of the links listed under the tab on the left under the heading "Family Violence Learning Module." The links under the heading "Family Violence related sites" are offered to augment your research for your writing assignments.

#4: Final Exam:

Exam is objective (multiple choice) and machine graded, the final exam is worth 100 points. A study guide will be offered the week prior to the exam.

#5: Total Points possible:

The total number of points earned out of a possible 800 possible will determine final grades. Conventional cutoffs for grading will be used: 90% or more is an A, 80-89% is a B, 70% to 79% is a C, 60-69% is a D, and below 60% is an F. Straight letter grades will be given, not "pluses" or "minuses."

New Day, New Hope

Share your stories of hope, and love.

Child Slavery &
Sex Trafficking

Child Sex Slavery- sexual exploitation of children in violation of Human Rights Vienna Declaration

Parenting Self-help

Self esteem, Anxiety, Parenting Toddlers through Terrible Two's, Troubled Teens

Child Abuse Resources

What's abuse, trust & your child, shaken baby, bullying, teen suicide, help for kids & parents.

April- Child Abuse Prevention Month

Child abuse prevention is a 365 day, 24/7 A Work of Love! Learn more here.

Child Help National Hotline

Call 1-800-4-A-CHILD. Hotline Staffed 24/7 by Certified Degreed Counselors. Get Help

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